Charlie Bennett


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My 14th ‘PIGEON RACING’ jockey interview sees me speak to Charlie Bennett, who stepped into the spotlight on Saturday with his first course win at Ascot when landing a Class 2 handicap aboard DUTCH LAW in front of the Channel 4 cameras
7 September 2016


Date and Place of Birth

6 December 1994 in Essex

Who inspired you to get into racing and when did you first realise you wanted to be a jockey

My mother encouraged me to ride ponies/horses from a young age, but I found my own way into the racing side of the game, as I have no relations working within the industry

What age did you first ride

When I was around 10 years old I used to get home in the evenings and watch At The Races religiously. This made me want to experience what it would feel like to ride in a race. I rode ponies from as far back as I can remember really

What are your strengths and weaknesses

I think my strengths are that I listen and am constantly trying to find new ways to learn more and improve my riding

Who are your jockey idols you look up to or maybe based yourself on

I don’t base myself on any other jockey as I think it is important for you to find your own style and find a way you are comfortable riding, that works for you. Somebody I look up to would be Ryan Moore as he is the ultimate professional in the way he conducts himself and he always puts horses in the right place at the right time in races. Adam Kirby is another jockey I admire as I think he is a very talented horseman, with a very unique style. He works very hard maintaining his weight, and always gets 100% out of a horse

When was your first ride & winner and where and how many winners so far approximately

My first ride came when I was pony racing, at Fakenham in 2008. During that season pony racing I managed to ride a winner, with fairly limited ammunition, around Lingfield Park and had a few nice placed efforts. My first actual race ride was at Doncaster on 10th November 2012 on the final day of the flat season, in the apprentice handicap, on a horse called HOMEBOY for Marcus Tregoning

There were 20 runners racing over 7 furlongs and I got such a buzz even though we only finished mid-division. I just couldn’t wait to do it all again

My first winner came at Southwell on 16 April 2013 on a filly called DECANA for my current boss Hughie Morrison. This gave me such an amazing feeling, it made me hungry to want more winners

Since then I have managed to ride a total of 32 winners

Which would you regard as your biggest win

I feel my biggest win came last season when I was experiencing a very quiet period after an injury. I won the concluding handicap at Glorious Goodwood on my old friend PASTORAL PLAYER (below) for my boss, Hughie Morrison. It was Pastoral Player’s first win in 4 years and was a great surprise to me as having once been a very classy horse he had appeared that with age to only show glimmers of his old talent. However, he chose a big stage to show us what he was still capable of. It was possibly the best feeling and thrill I have ever experienced sat on the back of a racehorse as he cut through the 18 runner field from near last to get up right on the line

Have you ever had any long term injuries (if so what?) and have you used Oaksey House facilities to rehabilitate ?

I had a fall at Windsor a couple of years back in a mile maiden. I clipped heels going into the loop and woke up in the ambulance outside Wrexham Park hospital. I had no major breaks but serious concussion and it took me 6 weeks and 5 attempts to pass a concussion test to return to riding. It was a depressing time as I had to watch horses I had been riding win. But things are back going in the right direction now thankfully

The staff at Oaksey House played a big part in helping me get back to the racecourse

Favourite racecourse

I like Goodwood as a racecourse as it poses a unique test for a horse and rider and usually requires a bit of luck in running

Who gives you your best advice

The best advice I was ever given was by an old friend of mine who said “keep your mouth closed and your ears open”

What is the best horse you have ever ridden

The best horse I have ridden in public is FUN MAC in this seasons Ebor at York. He had a very progressive season last year culminating in a 3rd place finish in the Group 1 Prix du Cadran on ARC day in Longchamp. It was a great thrill and a privilege to ride such a talented horse and I am very thankful to the owners and my boss for this fantastic opportunity

What time do you get up in the morning most days and what would be your average kind of day ?

I wake up around 5:30 most mornings and am on the yard by 6:00. We go in and muck out a stable, then tack up to pull out first lot at 6:30. We usually ride 3 or 4 lots and then I will go off to the races, wherever that may be. If I am not riding on a certain day, I will usually go to the gym in the afternoon and back to work for evening stables 16:00 till 18:00

Which stables do you work for or ride out at the moment

I work for Hughie Morrison and ride out there most days really

Who are your best mates in racing / the weighing room ?

I like to think I get on well with most people in the weighing room. Everybody is very friendly and easy to chat with in between races

What’s the worst part of the job !

The worst part of the job is definitely the travelling. It can be so tiring do hundreds of miles and getting home late at night. Even if you are lucky enough to get a lift somewhere, you still feel tired the next day if you have been riding far away

What hobbies or sports do you like to watch or play away from racing ?

I would say that most of my time is spent doing something involving racing. I am not very good at switching off in my spare time. So usually if I am not riding, I will be watching racing or something else racing related

Favourite food and drink

This is terrible but my favourite food would definitely be a Barbecue Pizza. This is bad as I find pizza is the heaviest thing you can eat, so I don’t get to have one too often. I probably treat myself to one around every month or so depending on my booked rides and weight commitments. My favourite drink is definitely a pint of Coke served ice cold. I would say I am a little bit addicted really!

Favourite TV Film and Music

I don’t really watch much TV but when I usually get back from racing late I find Family Guy is on ITV2 and I find it gives me a good laugh before I go to sleep. I’m not the biggest fan of music I usually just end up listening to whatever is playing on Radio 1

Which course would you like to ride a winner at this year 

I would like to ride a winner at Ascot. I would usually struggle to get a ride there so to ride a winner would be fantastic!

(Just a day after speaking to me – DUTCH LAW did the business!)

How do you like and compare the different All-weather surfaces/courses

I think all of the all weather tracks have their positives and negatives. I think the best actual surface is the polytrack at Lingfield. However, all these tracks vary in the way they ride dramatically depending on the weather (They ride slower when it’s warm and faster when it’s wet)

Have you ridden at the new Newcastle course yet and if so what do you think ?

I have been very lucky in that my only ride at Newcastle since they relaid the surface was a winner. So to me I thought it rode quite well!

If you were put in charge of racing for one day what changes would you make ?

If I was in charge of racing for a day, I wouldn’t change much as I feel racing is going in a good direction. I would possibly reduce the number of evening meetings on weekends to give the jockeys a little time to themselves but on the whole racing is doing well

What are your ambitions for the near future

I haven’t set any targets, I just plan to ride as many winners as possible and continue to improve my riding

Can you give readers a horse to follow for the rest of the season

Hughie Morrison’s NEARLY CAUGHT. He appears to have taken his form to a new level this season and hopefully can continue at this new level

Image result for nearly caught horse

My thanks to Charlie for giving me his time for this interview which i hope you’ve enjoyed and best of luck to him for the rest of the season !